Welcome! My name is Kristian Elset Bø and I'm an ambitious young professional working in digital consulting, starting startups, learning new technologies and traveling the world. I also read books on topics like leadership, innovation and science fiction.
I like to think I'm the guy in the bottom half of the picture.
I am a fervent believer in servant leadership and absolutely thrive on responsilbity and helping the people around me succeed.
Sharing knowledge is what moves the world forward, and I'm all about forward.
The rush of stepping onto the stage is always exhilarating and no matter how prepared I am, my heart is always beating a little quicker than normal. That's how I like it!
Nothing beats creating something with your own hands, and with coding you can create new worlds.
I'm fascinated with the power and flexibility of the web, the possibilities it affords and the opportunities it creates.
The world is a big place, and I want to see as much of it as possible.
Ever since I left high school in 2013 I've tried to do at least one big trip each year. These journeys help me recharge and refocus as well as allowing me to connect with amazing people from all over the world.